The farmer throws his seed by means of telecasting - indiscriminately throwing it everywhere. Jesus is the farmer and the seed is the truth of the Gospel. The ground represents our own hearts. On some ground the seed never takes root becasue the birds, or the adversary, comes and takes it away. Some gladly recieve the word but because they have no roots (no discipleship or people to mentor them) they whither and die. Some seed germinates but grows among throns that represent the cares of this world, materialism, worry, and other vices. These are things we all must struggle with on a day to day basis. When we let go of things, and pray for our daily bread, we flourish in trusting God and learn to walk in the Spirit hand in hand with Jesus. This describes the good soil that produces fruit related to our level of devotion and love of Jesus that becomes thirty, sixty, or a hundred fold.
We mustn't make the mistake of assuming we are good soil. There are parts of our hearts where stones must be removed, where weeds and thorns must be removed, and where we must allow the Gardener to plow our hearts. Everyday He gives us the opportunity to do more work in the garden of our souls. Thistles, as we have seen many of along the road this Spring, can sprout up and grow over night. We must quickly do some pruning and allow the Gardener to remove that root of anger, greed, or discontent which drains the life out of the rest of our soul. Today, allow the Gardener to do his work in your soul, unlock all the gates of your heart. Let us be sources of fruit so that we can be food to those who are hungry and in need of healing.
Nothing can be planted until your soul is ready to be tilled.
ReplyDeleteGreat thought! Thanks for following, brother, I hope the posts are a blessing to you. I love to hear feedback and further insights!