Thursday, March 10, 2011

CONNECT: Loving One Another

We have had six worship gatherings of CONNECT folks and I enjoy our time together immensely. It seems to me that it gets more rich every time. As I was reflecting on this I thought about the reasons for it. I think part of the reason is that I enjoy hearing other people's stories, because when they share their struggles, hurts, victories, and God-moments, I feel personally involved in their journey. I love people more when I know their stories because I feel engaged and have empathy for them, and know how to pray for them. When we share our stories we know that we are not alone in our struggles, that there are others who have been down that road and understand our needs. This also nurtures real friendship between people who are sharing on the level of the soul. As we get to know one another better, we love one another more, and the more difficult it is to criticize someone whom you have identified with in life. I am thankful for the new friends we have made through Grand Cane Baptist Church and the CONNECT Worship Gathering.  I look forward to growing in those friendships further as we share our stories and insights from the Holy Spirit along our journey. This is community. - Jamison

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